Our education presentations cater to diverse audiences, offering flexibility in three durations: 15 minutes, 30 minutes, and 1 hour, tailored to the group’s specific needs. These sessions are open to everyone, including teachers, educational assistants, government employees, corporate staff, students, and the loved ones of those affected by epilepsy.

Our aim is to provide informative and engaging content. In the 15-minute and 30-minute presentations, we cover essential topics like seizure types, causes, treatments, and first aid. In the 60-minute presentation allows for in-depth discussions and questions.
We understand the importance of customization and can adapt our content to suit the needs of the participant. For example, when presenting to younger students, we can focus on the school environment and how epilepsy may impact education. 
As a non-profit charity dedicated to epilepsy awareness and education, our workshops are generally free. If you have the means to support our cause, we greatly appreciate it!
  • For individuals or groups without a training budget, our sessions are free. If you are unsure of whether you fit into this category, feel free to ask, as we are flexible and committed to providing the necessary information. 
  • Larger organizations (community organizations, public safety, schools, colleges, employers, etc.) with budgets for seminars, we appreciate a contribution aligned with your typical training honorarium. Please click on the button below to submit a payment. 
Thank you for your generous support in advancing our mission!